Uninspired? Light a Fire!

Have you ever had one of those days, or weeks, or even months where you felt so uninspired? You loved something, or you wanted to do something but lacked the inspiration and the motivation to do it? What do you do when inspiration and motivation run cold?


I know. The last thing you want to do when you’re feeling uninspired is something. But how do you get from uninspired to fired up?

Emotionalism aside, what had you fired up about it in the first place? If you want to burn long and strong, you have to remember what stirred the fire up in the first place.

As passionate as I am about writing, there are days where I don’t have the words.

As passionate as I am about the causes I believe in, there are days where it seems that they aren’t heard.

As passionate as I am about dancing, there are days where I can’t move or don’t feel like moving.

As passionate as I am about the Lord, there are days where I have to say to my soul, “You will bless the Lord!”

Does having to stir myself up sometimes make these passions any less in me? No, it doesn’t. Because deep inside, they are part of my cause, they are part of my purpose, they are what make my being come alive. They are what God has put in me.

Emotions can sometimes get in the way. There are going to be days where you feel like just laying around and doing nothing – this is okay. But don’t lose sight of what made those passions rise up in you.

I have to remind myself of why I write. I have to remind myself of why I believe in taking a stand against human trafficking and abortion. I have to remind myself why I want to raise up a generation of women who are whole, healthy and wholeheartedly devoted to the plans and purposes that God has on their lives. I have to remind myself why I dance. I have to remind myself that God is greater than my circumstances and no matter where I am at, He is worthy and I will bless His name.

These are some of my passions. Many days they excite me and I come alive because I GET to sit in God’s presence and commune with Him. I GET to write. I GET to take a stand. I GET to mentor young women. I GET to minister. And all of this, it makes me feel alive inside.

Sometimes there is a fight. But I’ve found when the fight comes, many times it is because you have lost sight of why you do what you do. Sometimes it is because you have lost sight of the origin of your passion: It started with God.

Passion isn’t based on emotion. It is a love and commitment so deep that it sees the vision and is relentless to see it come to pass. All of my passions come down to one thing: that God be glorified in it. I love the Lord and I am passionate about the things of God. This is why I do what I do. And if there was nothing else but Him, my passion would still burn to just sit as his feet and worship Him simply because He is worthy.

When your sights are on Him, the fire starts again.

Walking it Out: Where in your life have your passions died down. Light a fire again. Spend some time with God and then write down your passions. Write down how they came about. Write down why your passionate about it.

21 Days of Never-the-Same – Day 16

Something really big for me is dreams. I am all about dreaming big and I love to be able to help and encourage others to reach their dreams. It is definitely a topic and message that God put in my heart is the art of dreaming well and what it means to dream.

In light of that, there is something new that I learned about dreams lately:

The provision is in the journey.

When God puts a dream in your heart, it is all about saying “yes” to Him and following Holy Spirit’s guidance in timing. Sometimes it will go against all logic. Sometimes the pieces will not all fit together. But dreaming is not all about practicalities. Dreaming is going beyond yourself. It might not seem like everything is coming together for your dream, but that is when you step out in faith.

Philippians 1:6 says:  “And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.”

If God has put a dream in your heart – go for it! Don’t be afraid to believe for the impossible. The provision is in the journey.

I dream of spiritual revival in India.

I dream of being a women’s minister.

I dream of being an author and speaker.

I dream of bringing an end to human trafficking.

Are all of these things practical? No. But they are dreams that are in my heart, and I know that God desires these things for me as well. He will bring this work to completion, but I need to begin to walk it out. It starts with a choice to have faith and step out.

What are your dreams? Do you believe in God’s provision for the journey?